A Case of “Pure Heart Empty Head”
Just when you thought that Judge Penguin and I reached a comfortable co-existence, he goes and ruins it. After many months of decency, he decided
Just when you thought that Judge Penguin and I reached a comfortable co-existence, he goes and ruins it. After many months of decency, he decided
I was the victim of a total breakdown in communication between judges. In fact, two judges that I had never met, in which Court I
Remember Foghorn Leghorn? The overweight rooster in Looney Tunes cartoons? All I seemed to remember was that he was always fighting with George, the hound
For the final installment of the Penguin Trilogy, (faithful readers of my missives should be more than familiar with my crusade against Judge Penguin), I
About twenty-five years ago, Gotham City (Yep, I’m going back to the well. Theatrical Rule of Threes. Be patient), passed a law requiring some businesses
Many of the faithful readers of my missives should be well-acquainted with the antics of Judge Penguin, who has been my nemesis for many a
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